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Concrete Washout BEST PRACTICE

Writer's picture: Kelly BryantKelly Bryant

WHY should concrete washout procedures be implemented onsite?

·         To comply with regulations

·         To minimise waste and environmental impact

·         To prevent contamination/pollution

·         To promote responsible waste management


Wash water arising from the washing of equipment that has come into contact with concrete must be collected and, if possible, treated to enable recycling/re-use within the wash down area or concrete batching process or safely disposed of.


Wash water (even when treated) must not be used for wheel washes or dust suppression purposes.


WHAT harm is caused by not having proper Concrete Washout procedures in place?

Concrete wash water is highly Alkaline making it hazardous to the skin and a pollutant to ground water and water courses.

Untreated liquid should not be disposed of onsite. If on site disposal is necessary, you will require authorisation from your environmental regulator.

You should put in place measures to control, store (and treat) concrete wash water and waste arising from concrete processes on site.

How to implement Concrete Washout Best Practice


Plan your works

Only order the amount of concrete or grout that you need.


Have a designated wash area. 

Concrete Mixers, Volumetrics, Pumps and concrete equipment must be washed out in a contained area, this area should be sited away from any watercourses or drainage channels to prevent accidental escapes of liquid or slurries to the water environment.



Include information on treating the water to reduce its alkalinity, testing the water prior to disposal, and how the water will be disposed of in method statements and risk assessments. Organise and provide training, equipment and PPE where required.


Clear signage and labelling.

Ensure your washout area has clear signage and any containers are correctly labelled to distinguish them from other waste or material storage areas.


Capture and treat Concrete Washout

Hire or purchase purpose made equipment to safely capture and treat concrete washout. Suitable equipment will consist of a method to separate solids from the washwater and neutralise the pH of the water.


Monitor Compliance

Implement a monitoring and compliance procedure to ensure concrete washout best practices are adhered to.


Who to hire/purchase Concrete Washout Equipment from?


Kelly Tanks provides compliant and conscientious solutions for treating waste water and concrete wash water on site. Their range is diverse, accommodating sites various requirements to include options for power or no power, closed loop or continuous discharge, single or double systems, automatic or manual pH control, liquid or CO2 dosing for pH control.

Which equipment is best for Concrete Washout?


Washout Trays

Ideal for Concrete Pumps, robust trays for capturing waste. Fork Pockets with retaining pins to allow trays to be tipped.

Sack Frames (Singles or Doubles)

No Power, No problem, Sack Frames allow for truck and equipment wash off into Adsorption Sacks, water percolates through into base, solids are retained within the sack.

CWS Concrete Washout Systems

Closed loop water recycling system, the flagship product of choice for Concrete Washout. Use water from the CWS to wash off chutes into the Adsorption Sack, wherein solids are retained before water is recycled indefinitely for re-use. pH can be neutralised by manually adding Kelly Tanks pH Neutraliser.

CWS Ultra

Works in the same way as the CWS but has a higher volume pump for optimum wash off pressure and automatic pH control by either liquid or CO2

Skip Washout Frame

Best used in conjunction with any of the above systems, the Washout Skip Frame provides safe storage and washoff for Concrete Column Skips, it’s unique mechanism accommodates various size skips without manual intervention.

Where to find more information?

Tel: +44 (0)1889 508944


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